Special Schedules
Saint John of San Francisco Orthodox Monastery
4:00 PM Ninth Hours and Vespers
6:15 PM Small Compline with Akathist
10:30 PM Cut off for drinking water
1:00 AM Jesus Prayer
3:30 AM Midnight office, Matins, 1st,3rd, 6th hours, and Divine Liturgy
2:00 PM Ninth hour & Great Vespers with Entrance (St Xenia)
6:15 PM Small Compline with Akathist and Penitential Prayers
1:00 AM Jesus Prayer
3:30 AM Midnight office (Liti), Matins, 1st,3rd, 6th hours, and Divine Liturgy
2:00 PM Ninth hour and Vespers
6:15 PM Small Compline with Akathist and Penitential Prayers
1:00 AM Jesus Prayer
3:30 AM Midnight office, Matins, 1st,3rd, 6th hours, and Divine Liturgy
2:00 PM Vespers
6:15 Small Compline with Akathist and Penitential prayers
Regular Schedule:
3:30 AM Midnight office, Matins, 1st hour, Divine Liturgy
9:00 AM 3rd and 6th hours
6:15 PM- Vigil for The Universal Exaltation of the Cross
Regular Sunday Schedule
*NOTE: Saturday and Sunday are both fast days. Oil is Permitted.