Special Feast Schedules
Saint John of San Francisco Orthodox Monastery
Tuesday, Dec. 21 / Jan.3
4:00 PM Vespers
6:15 PM Small Compline with Forfeast Canon
Thursday, Dec. 23 / Jan. 5 — St Nahum
4:00 PM Vespers
6:15 PM (Mini) Vigil: Small Compline with pre-festal canon,
Jesus prayer and reading, directly followed by Matins
Tuesday, Jan. 4/17
6:15 PM “Mini”- Vigil: Small Compline with pre-festal canon,
Jesus Prayer and Reading; directly followed by Matins (starting with the Six Psalms)
Wednesday, Jan. 5/18 — (9th Hour fast day)
10:00 AM Royal Hours & Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil; First Blessing
of Waters, followed by Trapeza
8:00 PM Vigil: Compline with Liti, the completion of Vespers and
blessing of loaves, Matins with Polyeleos, 2nd Blessing of Waters; and 1st Hour
Thursday, Jan. 6/19 — THEOPHANY of Our Lord
7:30 AM 3rd & 6th Hours, Divine Liturgy, blessing of the pond; followed by Trapeza
(then back to main church)
4:00 PM 9th Hour, Great Vespers with Great Prokeimenon, Jesus prayer, Reading
6:15 PM Compline
Friday, Jan. 7/20 — Synaxis of the Forerunner
4:30 AM Midnight office, Matins, 1st Hour, and Divine Liturgy
9:45 — 10:00 AM: 3rd and 6th Hours, followed by Trapeza
5:00 9th Hour, Vespers, Compline with Akathist
Saturday, Jan. 8/21 — Back to normal schedule
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